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www.jiankangherbs.com > สอบถามข้อมูล > Both of them
 หัวข้อ : Both of them (อ่าน 812)   
เมื่อ 28 กรกฎาคม 2565 23:26 น.
Both of them, Khun Na and Victor Booth, and the Russian side. Initially, all guidelines have now been approved by the US President Jobbei to play successfully. Another important point for the effort. In order to export grains from Ukraine through the Black Sea in order to solve the global food shortage crisis now after a four-party agreement was reached earlier. Whether it is both uns, including Russia, Ukraine and business as well, which recently opened a business as a coordinating center in order to coordinate and see the progress of grains and have It has been reported that the Russian forces are now able to take over Ukraines 2nd largest power plant. I myself will add at least three more cities that will be stationed and keep close to the Ukrainian cities as soon as possible after this, because now Nan has reinforcements, especially about The use of any weapon came from whether it was a Western nation or not. Its also a souvenir. I have delivered to Ukraine to use in the battle with the shop itself.

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